It was rather unplanned. I had befriended him a couple of months ago, intrigued by his intelligence, soothing by his loving compassion and persuaded by his gentle insistence. He is not conventionally attractive but he showed glimpses of hidden depths. I felt immediately that I wanted to get to know him better. He came to live with me on my boat. The spare room of course. And then he spoke to me last night. Soft gentle murmurings which stopped me literally in my tracks. He convinced me that the timing was right, that I wouldn’t regret it. It was time to go to the next level.

And so it was that I picked him up and took him to bed. To sleep with him held tightly in my left hand. To my surprise, he was still there in the morning. What was he like I hear you ask? Well, I feel like I have made a new old friend. He dissolved all my daily worries and fears almost immediately and I felt lighter and incredibly peaceful. He is wise beyond measure and provides a sense of security that I have rarely found elsewhere. His time is now and this is a stone that you would want to have in a crisis. He offers the light at the end of a tunnel of darkness and so is a useful ally in troubled times.

He also facilitates telepathic communication allowing one to open to communication from the non- physical realms. I had some pretty incredible dreams!

A good game to play with a friend is for both of you to hold a piece of Smithsonite and see if you can read each others minds.

I felt a deep connection and a feeling that together we were going to achieve greater things than would be possible apart. So much so that, rather than leave him behind, this morning I popped him into my bra and he has accompanied me as I go about my business. Quietly reassuring me that all is well. Metaphorically holding my hand and encouraging me to be more diplomatic and compassionate.


“I am calm, centred and at peace with myself.

I view the world through loving a compassionate eyes and I trust that all is well.”


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