Have you ever strolled through a sun dappled forest or meandered through a summer meadow and felt immediately soothed by your surroundings? Feeling at one with the universe and experiencing a deep sense of peace within yourself. There is a reason why we often take flowers to people who are physically ill, emotionally drawn or recently bereaved.

Or maybe you have a lucky pebble or a favourite piece of gemstone jewellery you turn to in times of trouble. You feel a connection or a sense of reassurance just holding the stone. Again, there is a reason why a diamond ring is given as a sign of commitment to another before a wedding.

This is vibrational medicine and this is Gillian Harrison’s specialty. For thousands of years, people from all continents have recognized the energetic power that lies in their surroundings. In the air they breathe, the food that they eat, the ground beneath their feet and in the natural beauty all around them.

Gillian truly understands the power of this vibrational medicine and she has chosen to specialise in two disciplines: Crystal and Gemstone Healing and Australian Bush Flower Essence Therapy. She has worked with the two beautiful areas of creation for over ten years providing help and healing to clients worldwide with emotional, physical, mental or spiritual challenges. She helps them to co-create, with the essences and the crystals, a healthier and happier future.

She has also owned her own vibrant mind, body and spirit shop and therapy centre in the UK since 2006 and so she has a vast amount of knowledge and experience in dealing with all holistic matters.

She believes in flowers and crystals, kindness and karma, past and future lives, angels and spirit guides and living every second of every day in a meaningful and joyful way. Gillian is also a Reiki Master and now lives on a boat in the Hong Kong Gold Coast with her husband, two sons and a dog called Larry.

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