Alpine Mint Bush
– Mental and emotional exhaustion; lack of joy and weight of responsibility of care givers.
+ Revitalisation; joy; renewal.
– Interference with true spiritual connection to Higher Self; spiritually possessed; spiritual confusion.
+ Spiritual discernment; accessing gifts from past lifetimes; release of negatively held psychic energies; clear spiritual communication.
Banksia Robur
– Disheartened; lethargic; frustrated.
+ Enjoyment of life; enthusiasm; interest in life.
– Resistance to change; rigidity; reluctance.
+ Acceptance; open mindedness.
Billy Goat Plum
– Shame; inability to accept the physical self; physical loathing.
+ Sexual pleasure and enjoyment; acceptance of self and one’s physical body; openmindedness.
Black-eyed Susan
– Impatience; ‘on the go’; over committed; constant striving.
+ Ability to turn inward and be still; slowing down; inner peace.
– Closed; fear of lack; greed; rigidity.
+ Opens the heart; belief in abundance; universal trust; joyful sharing; unconditional love.
– Enmeshment in negative family patterns; for recipients of emotional abuse and prejudice.
+ Personal freedom by releasing family patterns; clearing of other, non-family, negative Karmic connections.
– Obsessive thoughts; pining; broken hearted.
+ Clarity; serenity; creative visualisation.
– Unresolved mother issues; overwhelmed by major life changes – old age, adolescence, parenthood, pregnancy, approaching death.
+ Serenity and calm; ability to cope and move on; mother-child bonding.
Bush Fuchsia
– Switched off; nervousness about public speaking; ignoring ‘gut’ feelings; clumsy.
+ Courage to speak out; clarity; in touch with intuition; integration of information; integration of male and female aspects.
Bush Gardenia
– Stale relationships; self interest; unaware.
+ Passion; renews interest in partner improves communication.
Bush Iris
– Fear of death; materialism; atheism; physical excess; avarice.
+ Awakening of spirituality; acceptance of death as a transition state; clearing blocks in the base chakra and trust centre.
Christmas Bell
– Lack of abundance; sense of lack; poor stewardship of one’s possessions.
+ Helps one to manifest their desired outcomes; assists one with mastery of the physical plane.
– Continual worrying; a sense of being ‘not quite right’.
+ Peace and calm; balances and centres the individual; clarity of one’s feelings.
Dagger Hakea
– Resentment; bitterness towards close family, friends, lovers.
+ Forgiveness; open expression of feelings.
Dog Rose
– Fearful; shy; insecure; apprehensive with other people; niggling fears.
+ Confidence; belief in self; courage; ability to embrace life more fully.
Dog Rose of the Wild Forces
– Fear of losing control; hysteria; pain with no apparent cause.
+ Calm and centred in times of inner and outer turmoil; emotional balance.
Five Corners
– Low self esteem; dislike of self; crushed, held in personality; clothing drab and colourless.
+ Love and acceptance of self; celebration of own beauty; joyousness.
Flannel Flower
– Dislike of being touched; lack of sensitivity in males; uncomfortable with intimacy.
+ Gentleness and sensitivity in touching; trust; openness; expression of feelings; joy in physical activity.
Freshwater Mangrove
– Heart closed due to expectations or prejudices which have been taught, not personally experienced.
+ Openness to new experiences; people and perceptual shifts; healthy questioning of traditional standards and beliefs.
Fringed Violet
– Damage to aura; distress; lack of psychic protection.
+ Removal of effects of recent or old distressing events; heals damage to aura; psychic protection.
Green Spider Orchid
– Nightmares and phobias from past life experiences; intense negative reactions to the sight of blood.
+ Telepathic communication; ability to withhold information until timing is appropriate; attunement.
Grey Spider Flower
– Terror; fear of supernatural and psychic attack.
+ Faith; calm; courage.
Gymea Lily
– Arrogant; attention seeking; craving status and glamour; dominating and over-riding personality.
+ Humility; allowing others to express themselves and contribute; awareness, appreciation and taking notice of others.
– Fanatical about self improvement; driven to acquire knowledge; excessive self discipline; superiority.
+ Content with own knowledge; acceptance; ownership and utilisation of own knowledge.
Illawarra Flame Tree
– Overwhelming sense of rejection; fear of responsibility.
+ Confidence; commitment; self-reliance; self approval.
– Inability to learn from past experience; stubborn; controlling personality.
+ Ability to learn from past experience; retrieval of forgotten skills; relating without manipulating or controlling; ability to remember the past.
– Scattered; changeable; dithering; rushing.
+ Decisiveness; quick thinking; centred.
Kangaroo Paw
– Gauche; unaware; insensitive; inept; clumsy.
+ Kindness; Sensitivity; savoire fair; enjoyment of people; relaxed.
Kapok Bush
– Apathy; resignation; discouraged; half hearted.
+ Willingness; application; ‘give it a go’; persistence; perception.
Little Flannel Flower
– Denial of the ‘child’ within; seriousness in children; grimness in adults.
+ Care free; playful; joyful.
– Drained; jaded; worn out.
+ Enthusiasm; inner strength; endurance.
Mint Bush
– Perturbation; confusion; spiritual emergence; initial turmoil and void of spiritual initiation.
+ Smooth spiritual initiation; clarity; calmness; ability to cope.
Mongo Waratah
– Neediness; co-dependency; inability to do things alone; disempowerment; addictive personality.
+ Strengthening of one’s will; reclaiming of one’s spirit; belief that one can break the dependency of any behaviour, substance or person; self empowerment.
Mountain Devil
– Hatred; anger; holding grudges; suspiciousness.
+ Unconditional love; happiness; healthy boundaries; forgiveness.
Mulla Mulla
– Fear of flames and hot objects; emotional effects associated with exposure to heat and sun.
+ Reduces the emotional effects of fire and sun; feeling comfortable with fire and heat.
Old Man Banksia
– Weary; phlegmatic personalities; disheartened; frustrated.
+ Enjoyment of life; renews enthusiasm; interest in life.
Paw Paw
– Overwhelm; unable to resolve problems; burdened by decision.
+ Improved access to Higher Self for problem solving; assimilation of new ideas; calmness; clarity.
Peach-flowered Tea-tree
– Mood swings; lack of commitment to follow through projects; easily bored; hypochondriacs.
+ Ability to complete projects; personal stability; take responsibility for one’s health.
– Inability to accept acknowledgement; excessive generosity.
+ Ability to receive love and acknowledgement; ability to let in praise.
Pink Flannel Flower
– Feeling of life being dull and flat; lacking joy or appreciation for the every day aspects of life.
+ Gratitude; joie de vivre; keeping one’s heart chakra open; appreciation.
Pink Mulla Mulla
– Deep ancient wound on the psyche; an outer guarded and prickly persona to prevent being hurt; keeps people at a distance.
+ Deep spiritual healing; trusting and opening up.
Red Grevillea
– Feeling stuck; oversensitive; affected by criticism and unpleasant people; too reliant on others.
+ Boldness; strength to leave unpleasant situations; indifference to the judgement of others.
Red Helmet Orchid
– Rebelliousness; hot-headed; unresolved father issues; selfishness.
+ Male bonding; sensitivity; respect; consideration.
Red Lily
– Vague; disconnected; split; lack of focus; daydreaming.
+ Grounded; focused; living in the present; connection with life and God.
Red Suva Frangipani
– Initial grief, sadness and upset of either a relationship at rock bottom or the death of a loved one; emotional upheaval, turmoil and rawness.
+ Feeling calm and nurtured; inner peace and strength to cope.
Rough Bluebell
– Deliberately hurtful, manipulative, exploitive or malicious.
+ Compassion; release of one’s inherent love vibration; sensitivity.
She Oak
– Female imbalance; inability to conceive for non-physical reasons.
+ Emotionally open to conceive; female balance.
Silver Princess
– Aimless; despondent; feeling flat; lack of direction.
+ Motivation; direction; life purpose.
Slender Rice Flower
– Prejudice; racism; narrow mindedness; comparison with others.
+ Humility; group harmony; co-operation; perception of beauty in others.
Southern Cross
– Victim mentality; complaining; bitter; martyrs; poverty consciousness.
+ Personal power; taking responsibility; positiveness.
– Sense of being a victim to illness.
+ Empowers one through emotional understanding of illness.
Sturt Desert Pea
– Emotional pain; deep hurt; sadness.
+ Letting go; triggers healthy grieving; releases deep held grief and sadness.
Sturt Desert Rose
– Guilt; regret and remorse; low self esteem; easily led.
+ Courage; conviction; true to self; integrity.
– Vagueness; disconnectedness; split; indecisive; lack of focus; daydreaming.
+ Attention to detail; grounded; focused; living in the present.
Sunshine Wattle
– Stuck in the past; expectation of a grim future; struggle.
+ Optimism; acceptance of the beauty and joy in the present; open to a bright future.
Sydney Rose
– Feeling separated, deserted, unloved or morbid.
+ Realising we are all one; feeling safe and at peace; heartfelt compassion; sense of unity.
Tall Mulla Mulla
– Ill at ease; sometimes fearful of circulating and mixing with others; loner; distressed by and avoids confrontation.
+ Feeling relaxed and secure with other people; encourages social interaction.
Tall Yellow Top
– Alienation; loneliness; isolation.
+ Sense of belonging; acceptance of self and others; knowing that you are ‘home’; ability to reach out.
Turkey Bush
– Creative block; disbelief in own creative ability.
+ Inspired creativity; creative expression; focus; renews artistic confidence.
– Despair; hopelessness; inability to respond to a crisis.
+ Courage; tenacity; adaptability; strong faith; enhancement of survival skills.
Wedding Bush
– Difficulty with commitment.
+ Commitment to relationships; commitment to goals; dedication to life purpose.
Wild Potato Bush
– Weighed down; feeling encumbered.
+ Ability to move on in life; freedom; renews enthusiasm.
– Feeling uncomfortable with sex; closed sexually; macho male.
+ Sexual enjoyment; enhanced sensuality; sexual openness; gentleness.
Yellow Cowslip Orchid
– Critical; judgmental; bureaucratic; nit picking.
+ Humanitarian concern; impartially-stepping back from emotions; constructive; a keener sense of arbitration.
Autumn Leaves
– Difficulties in the transition of passing over from the physical plane to the spiritual world.
+ Letting go and moving on; increase awareness and communication with the loved ones in the spiritual world.
Green Essence
– Emotional distress associated with intestinal and skin disorders.
+ Harmonises the vibration of any yeast, mould or parasite to one’s own vibration; purifying.
– Not knowing to look for and move into the Light when passing over; earth bound in the astral plane.
+ Eases one’s transition into the Light; assists separation between the physical and the etheric bodies; releases earth bound energies.